The Confidence of a Woman is an individual who respects her purpose, as well as her God!
She respects herself as well as other women's boundaries!
She wakes up early before dawn to pray and make supplications in the morning and get sound directions from God!
She watches over God's word, for Him to protect and perform what He has promised!
She uses her time wisely and efficiently to take advantage of her relationships!
Caring for her family is like blood ðĐļ pumping through her veins!
She is the last person in the house ð to lie down at bedtime ðī!
She makes sure that the dinner ðĨ is cooked and on her table with love ð as her busy schedule permits!
She's affectionate for her entire household daily!
She goes out into the marketplace for provisions of God while keeping her husband, children, and close confidants on the right pathway!
She's not afraid to assist anyone on the streets who may need her guidance!
She discerns the streets by maintaining her holiness while they all call her blessed.
Sometimes, people can mistake her identity because she talks with knowledge with her words!
She doesn't open up her legs freely like a harlot, a booty call, or jump down, who is attempting to take every man to their grave!
Sometimes, life will make any woman cry, but if you see a woman crying, don't push her buttons or ruin her day with disrespect!
Assisting her back onto her feet ðĢ with sound wisdom, because we all have been in dark places and have seen many calamities in life!
It's enough drama/chaos in the world ð that doesn't need your partnership!
La$hVega$ is a safe haven for women to love ð up on them while they are paying for cosmetology service!
You can't pay her enough money for the quantity of services, deposits, or impartation that comes with her presence.
Sometimes, with the stress of life, she feels lonely, but not alone!
She longs for compatible sisterly relationships with women to share her testimonies as she adheres to their stories or testimonies!
The bible says iron sharpens iron!
She walks with her head up high because she's the head and not the tail.
She has confidence in her God, and this confidence surrounds her life like a shield ðĄïļ of armor.
She walks like an iron of steel all by herself!
As her eyes stay on Jesus Christ, The Author and The Finisher of our Faith, and she's not a woman scorned or blinded by other women of excellence!
So when you come into her presence, you must adapt ð to her character, personality, and lifestyle, so that we all can achieve anything collectively without attempting to sabotage each other!
Here, character is not to sabotage anymore.
She's prophetic, it's a living sacrifice of herself.
She's not to become your pond or scammer when you don't recognize her self-worth.
At the end of the day, she wants you to continue being happy, just as she is happy within herself!
She has excellent customer support in her business in case there's a demand.
How can you deny excellency and call it rubbish?
She's not upholding a welfare policy but knows how to provide directions!
This is not a pleasant experience continuing to be around messy women.
Evil communication spoils good behavior.
When you find such a gem ð or group of women or people, and customers who don't want to achieve their God-given goals from God!
When you find such a large number of women who don't want to achieve their God-given goals where they have a very messy mindset!
Especially when they feel like she's the competition?
La$hVega$ ð embraces all diversity of women and people with like-mindedness!
She welcomes women, that she meets who are focused, passionate, and driven with tenacity just like her to take over in their personal platforms.
Individually on their personal platform and not attempting to lie, with deceit, because they are a jealous bully or a Jezebel spirit.
She still will pray for them but leave them out of her spheres of influence until they come to full and complete maturity!
The judgment is on Almighty God to bring vengeance or recompense!
PS, if you're not able to commit to sisterly love ð at La$hVega$, then take your money ðī
elsewhere; your services are not conducive to the promotion from up above!
La$hVega$ is loved, and her love âĪ is tangible and not mediocre!
Iron sharpens Iron!
She values other women self worth, and it's reciprocated by other women!
Like a merry heart âĨïļ is good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries up your bones ðĶī and will bring corruption, destruction, and a dead-end street! To your soul, and your business is not wanted!
Don't waste her precious energy trying to fit in with the status quo's agenda!
Written by Yolanda Miles-Lara